Signatory Status of CUSA S.A.C. Updated on International Cyanide Management Code Website

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) announced today that the signatory status of CUSA S.A.C has been updated. The company, which operates a cyanide warehouse in Peru, had been identified as a consignor/transporter on the International Cyanide Management Code (Cyanide Code) website; it is now appropriately listed as a cyanide producer.

CUSA became a signatory to the Cyanide Code on July 31, 2013 as a cyanide consignor/transporter. At that time, the company intended to organize and oversee the transport of cyanide to and from its warehouse by trucking companies that were signatories to and certified under the Cyanide Code. However, when CUSA was audited for certification, its activities were limited to operation of its warehouse. Since it did not engage in the transport of cyanide, its signatory status was revised from a cyanide transporter to a cyanide producer, consistent with ICMI requirements.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014