Porgera Joint Venture Mine

Name of Mine, Production Facility or Transport Operation

Porgera Joint Venture Mine

Signatory Ownership Position


Name of Operating Company

Barrick (Niugini) Ltd.

Operation Address / Location

Papua New Guinea

Date of Certification

January 19, 2024

Date of Initial Certification

November 10, 2009

Signatory Date*

May 08, 2007

Additional Information or Comments

Although previously certified, the Porgera Joint Venture Mine was in care and maintenance for an extended period, and was pre-operationally audited during that period, and pre-operationally certified 19 January 2024.

Barrick (Niugini) Ltd is a Joint Venture between Barrick Gold (47.5%), Zijin Mining Group (47.5%), and Mineral Resources Enga Limited (government & landowners;5%). Barrick Gold is the manager of the Joint Venture.