
Name of Mine, Production Facility or Transport Operation


Signatory Ownership Position


Name of Operating Company

Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A.

Operation Address / Location

Av Manuel Olguin 375, Piso 11
Surco, Lima 33

Date of Certification

Date of Initial Certification

October 02, 2007

Signatory Date*

November 03, 2005

Additional Information or Comments

The Pierina Mine is no longer operating.  The Pierina Mine was last certified December 14, 2021.  The last addition of sodium cyanide to the leach pad at the Pierina Mine was in December 2022.  The Merrill Crowe processing plant concluded its activities in March 2023, and in accordance with the mine’s final closure schedule the demolishing of the Merrill Crowe plant is scheduled for the Third Quarter of 2024.