Orica Latin America Supply Chain

Name of Mine, Production Facility or Transport Operation

Orica Latin America Supply Chain

Signatory Ownership Position

Not Applicable

Name of Operating Company

Orica Australia Pty Ltd.

Operation Address / Location

GPO Box 4311

Date of Certification

July 08, 2024

Date of Initial Certification

April 14, 2011

Signatory Date*

March 17, 2010

Additional Information or Comments

Orica’s Latin America Supply Chain includes transportation of sodium cyanide within Peru, Argentina, and Colombia.  Within Peru transport is by the certified transporters APM or DCR Mineria y Construccion S.A.C.  Within Argentina transportation is from ports to mining operations using the certified transporter Victor Masson Cruz del Sur S.A.  Within Colombia transportation is from the Port of Cartagena to mine sites using Agencia Logística del Caribe SAS (Logicaribe SAS).  Within Peru, interim storage occurs at APM’s Ventanilla Terminal associated with Orica’s certified Ventanilla box to sparge transloading facility.