CyPlus Idesa Mexican Supply Chain

Name of Mine, Production Facility or Transport Operation

CyPlus Idesa Mexican Supply Chain

Signatory Ownership Position


Name of Operating Company

CyPlus Idesa

Operation Address / Location

Postal Address: Calzada Mexico - Xochimiclo 5149

Date of Certification

November 29, 2022

Date of Initial Certification

January 31, 2013

Signatory Date*

October 19, 2010

Additional Information or Comments

CyPlus Idesa’s Mexican Supply Chain (amended June 2024) includes land transport of cyanide by various truck companies within Mexico, cyanide management at the ports of Salina Cruz, Mazlatlán, and Veracruz, shipping by sea by the marine carriers Grupo Navemar and Hapag-Lloyd, rail transport by Ferrocarril Mexicano (Ferromex), and overall management by CyPlus Idesa.

Puerto Cortés, Honduras was added to the supply chain on 8 July 2024.  CyPlus Idesa must conduct a due diligence review of Puerto Cortés within six months of first using the Port of transport of cyanide.