Samsung C&T Africa Supply Chain

Name of Mine, Production Facility or Transport Operation

Samsung C&T Africa Supply Chain

Signatory Ownership Position

Not Applicable

Name of Operating Company

Samsung C&T Deutschland GmbH

Operation Address / Location

65824 AM Kronberr Hang 6, Schwalbach AM

Date of Certification

August 09, 2024

Date of Initial Certification

July 12, 2011

Signatory Date*

August 12, 2010

Additional Information or Comments

The Samsung C&T Africa Supply Chain includes transport from manufacturers in Korea using certified carriers Bukwang Logistics Co. Ltd. and Hae Dong Logistics to Pusan New Port, South Korea, followed by ocean transport by shipping companies MSC, Maersk Hapag Lloyd, and CMA-CGM to the following ports: Tema, Ghana; Conakry, Guinea; Dakar, Senegal; Mombasa, Kenya; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire; and Monrovia, Liberia, followed by road transportation in Africa by certified transporters Africa Global Logistics, CSTT-AO, Transport Terrassement Minier, Vehrad Transport and Haulage Ltd., and Alistair James Company, Ltd.