Publication of Cyanide Code Program Documents in Russian

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) announced today the publication on its website of Cyanide Code program documents in Russian. The Cyanide Code is supported by a suite of documents that provide guidance and instructions to participating operations in preparing for certification and to auditors in assessing compliance. These documents also provide information, instruction, and details on administrative requirements for participating companies and auditors. While the official language of the program is English, and all documents submitted to ICMI must be written in English, ICMI also offers Spanish, French, Chinese, Portuguese, and Turkish translations of the Cyanide Code program documents.

Translated versions of the updated Cyanide Code program documents are accessible on the Languages page of the Cyanide Code website. It should be noted that ICMI provides these documents as a resource but assumes no responsibility for any errors arising from their translation. In all instances, the English language version of the Cyanide Code program documents prevails.

The Cyanide Code was developed under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme by a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee and is amongst the most established certification programs in the mining sector. The Cyanide Code is intended to complement an operation’s existing obligation to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the political jurisdiction in which the operation is located.

ICMI has been established to administer the Cyanide Code, promote its adoption, evaluate its implementation, and manage the certification process for operations using, producing, and transporting cyanide. A detailed list of the operations covered by signatory companies’ applications, along with the full text of the Cyanide Code and its implementing and administrative documents, are available at For further information about us we invite you to read our 2022 Annual Report.

Thursday, June 29, 2023