Ma’aden Gold and Base Metals Company’s Cyanide Code Participation Ends

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) announced today that Ma’aden Gold and Base Metals Company’s (Ma’aden) participation as a signatory to the International Cyanide Management Code (Cyanide Code) has ended.  Ma’aden became a mining signatory to the Cyanide Code in June 2011, and became a transport signatory in June 2014.  Two of Ma’aden’s mining operations, the Mahd Mine and the Al Amar Mine had been certified, but certification of these operations expired.

The Cyanide Code is a voluntary industry program focused on the safe and environmentally responsible management of cyanide by companies producing gold and/or silver and by companies manufacturing, warehousing, and transporting cyanide.  It was developed under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme by a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee and is amongst the most established certification programs in the mining sector.

ICMI has been established to administer the Cyanide Code, promote its adoption, evaluate its implementation, and manage the certification process for operations using, producing, and transporting cyanide. A detailed list of the operations covered by signatory companies’ applications, along with the full text of the Cyanide Code and its implementing and administrative documents, are available at

Friday, December 29, 2023