ICMI to Hold Training and Lessons Learned Workshop in Elko, Nevada on February 15-16, 2012

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) will hold a training workshop on the implementation and auditing of the International Cyanide Management Code (Code), and on the practical lessons learned from its implementation and auditing. This two-day session is for personnel of companies that have signed or intend to sign up to the Code, auditors and prospective auditors, and other parties that may have an interest in learning more about Code implementation and auditing. On the first day, ICMI Vice President Norm Greenwald will provide an overview of the Code and its certification process, and discuss Code requirements for gold mines and cyanide transporters. The second day will feature presentations by Code-certified gold mines and cyanide producers and transporters and Code auditors about their experiences with Code implementation and certification.

The Workshop will be held at the High Desert Inn, 3015 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada, USA.  The hotel can be reached by telephone at +1-775-738-8425 or +1-888-394-8303 or by email at http://www.highdesertinnelko.com/.  Workshop participants are responsible for making the own arrangements for lodging.

Information on the training workshop and registration materials are available on the ICMI web site at the following link: http://cyanidecode.org/auditors_training.php.

Monday, December 19, 2011