ICMI to Hold Cyanide Code Training Workshop in Accra, Ghana on December 4, 2012

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) will hold a training workshop on the implementation and auditing of the International Cyanide Management Code (Cyanide Code) in Accra, Ghana on December 4, 2012.  This full-day workshop will focus on the practical issues associated with implementing and auditing the Cyanide Code. The intent of each of the Cyanide Code’s Principles and Standards of Practice will be discussed, along with the Cyanide Code’s expectations for performance and the measures typically necessary to achieve that performance. Interpretive guidance will be provided on how auditors are to use their professional judgment in determining whether an operation is in compliance with the Cyanide Code. Other topics will include re-certification audits and cyanide transport. The training will be conducted in English by ICMI Vice President Norm Greenwald.

The Workshop will be held at the Alisa Hotel, 21 Dr. Isert Road, North Ridge, Accra, Ghana. The hotel can be reached at +233-302-214244, or http://www.alisahotels.com. Workshop participants are responsible for making their own arrangements for lodging.

Information on the training workshop and registration materials are available on the ICMI web site at the following link: http://www.cyanidecode.org/auditors-auditing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012