ICMI Announces the Availability of a Comprehensive Auditor Guidance Document

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) has posted an updated Auditor Guidance Document on its Web site, www.cyanidecode.org, for use with the Gold Mining Verification Protocol. The document is located in the Auditing the Code section of the Auditors and Auditing page, and can be accessed through this link.

Implementation of the International Cyanide Management Code (Code) and auditing of Code compliance at gold mines can involve a significant degree of interpretation. This new document provides general guidance in applying the Code to site-specific situations, procedural guidance in preparing and submitting audit reports, and detailed discussions and interpretations of each of the 140 questions in the Gold Mining Verification Protocol. The Guidance is based on the Auditor Training Sessions that ICMI presented over the Internet in October 2005, with updated and expanded discussions of a number of topics and clarifications based on questions asked during the Training Sessions. We hope that it will be a valuable tool for those responsible for implementing the Code at gold mines and for auditors evaluating Code compliance at gold mines.

Monday, May 1, 2006