ICMI Affirms Decision to Reject AMEC Audit Report of Gedabek Operation

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) has affirmed its decision to reject the certification audit report for the Gedabek Operation of ICMI Signatory, Anglo Asian Mining, PLC, submitted by AMEC Environment & Infrastructure Americas (AMEC), on the grounds that the audit was conducted by personnel with conflicts of interest prohibited under the Cyanide Code’s Auditor Criteria (see http://www.cyanidecode.org/sites/default/files/pdf/7_AuditorCriteria.pdf).

AMEC had requested that ICMI reconsider its decision pursuant to Part 2, Informal Resolution, of the Dispute Resolution Procedure (“Procedure”) of the International Cyanide Management Code (the “Cyanide Code”) (see http://www.cyanidecode.org/about-code/dispute-resolution). The Procedure provides due process for the fair and equitable resolution of disputes regarding auditor credentials and certification and/or de-certification of operations to all parties that may be affected by these decisions.

ICMI is making this public notice pursuant to the Procedure’s Section 1.9, Public Availability of Dispute Information, which provides that requests for reconsideration and related documentation of the outcomes of the process be made available to the public on the Cyanide Code website. Please click on the following links to view AMEC’s Request for Reconsideration and ICMI’s final decision.

The Cyanide Code is a voluntary industry program for companies involved in the production of gold using cyanide and companies producing and transporting this cyanide. It was developed under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme by a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee. ICMI has been established to administer the Cyanide Code, promote its adoption, evaluate its implementation, and manage the certification process.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013