Module 1
10:33 min
Code Background & Development
Provides background on the development, growth and intent of the Cyanide Code.
Module 2
37:00 min
Code Structure, Auditing & Certification
Includes an explanation of how the Cyanide Code is structured, requirements for Code auditors and auditing, and the process for certification of mining, transport and cyanide production operations.
Module 3
5:43 min
Principles 1 & 2 / Production & Transportation
Explains the Code’s requirements for purchasing cyanide from certified producers and for the transport of cyanide to the mining operation using certified transporters and supply chains.
Module 4
7:58 min
Principle 3 / Handling & Storage
Describes the requirements for safe handling and storage of high strength cyanide, including requirements for unloading and mixing.
Module 5
58:41 min
Principle 4 / Operations
Explains requirements for safely using cyanide during mineral processing, including expectations for wildlife protection, surface and groundwater protection, secondary containment, tailings solution management, inspections, maintenance, and operating plans and procedures.
Module 6
6:59 min
Principle 5 / Decommissioning
Includes requirement for planning decommissioning of cyanide facilities, including demonstrating sufficient financial strength for decommissioning.